The Journey from Financial Slavery Life is a journey and we all have the choice as to how we choose to travel and where we choose to travel in this lifetime. The journey of the Children of Israel, from slavery in Egypt through the backside of the desert wilderness to the Promised land in Canaan, […]
Author: Andrea Brown
Judas: The Traitor & the Treasurer
Judas wasn’t just a thief. He was also the Treasurer. Sometimes it is the smallest details that are the most revealing. And, sometimes it is the things that are not stated that speak the most loudly. Judas’ very name is synonymous with being a traitor, something many believe is worse than a sworn enemy. But, there […]
The Shrewd Manager
How could Jesus commend the Shrewd Manager? Perhaps you’ve noticed there are some difficult passages in the Bible. I’ll be honest, the parable of the shrewd manager is one which irritated me for years. If you are not familiar with it, Jesus tells the story of a business owner who discovers that he has a dishonest […]
The Parable of the Talents
The Bible provides more than 2,000 verses on finances and generosity. Interestingly enough Jesus did not ignore matters of money or wealth. He preached about money, finances, and wealth more than any other topic. Jesus constantly compared money and wealth to the kingdom or preached of its relationship to the kingdom. In half of Jesus’ […]
The Good Samaritan
The term “good samaritan” has become a common metaphor for a charitable person who helps the needy or rescues a stranger. But few people know the history of the first good samaritan. “The Way of Blood,” is a stretch of the 17 mile road from Jericho to Jerusalem which was infamous because so many people were robbed […]
The Law of Aerodynamics
Do you remember your first plane ride? What were you anticipating? Were you filled with fear or excitement that you could hardly contain? When I was 21 years old I experienced my first jet plane ride. Although I had flown on small planes such as Piper Cubs and Cessnas I had never flown at 40,000′ […]
Master of the Breakthrough
My favorite name of God is an indirect title given to Him found in a short story in the Old Testament. David the shepherd boy turned warrior-worshipper was promoted as king over all Israel. The minute that his arch enemy the Philistines (5 city-states) heard the news they set out to make war on Israel. David […]